Hello friends; Hope you are doing well and you had enjoyed holiday too.
I also enjoyed. In the last post we have seen the scenario and basics
of the local SEO like what local Search Engine Optimization is and why
it is needed today?
So, now we will start the discussion on the “on page changes” first, then we will move towards the OFF page and SMO. I think one question will be arising in your mind that “what is On Page Optimization”??? It is one of the most important factors of SEO or we can say right hand on it. In the on page optimization, changes will be done resides on the website, not on any other source.
Meta Tag and Description Optimization:
Meta is the short form of metadata; it means data about data. It
describes more your business to users as well as Search Engine. Each
page should have Meta Desc and tags. Do not forget to add in each page.
It must. The length of Meta Desc should not be more than 140 to 160
characters and Meta tag character length should not more than 1000
In the next post we will see what is schema.org? How it is important for the local SEO. Stay tuned with me @jayeshseo on Twitter and ParmarJayesh on pinterest…!!! Enjoy every moment of your life, even in office…!!!
So, now we will start the discussion on the “on page changes” first, then we will move towards the OFF page and SMO. I think one question will be arising in your mind that “what is On Page Optimization”??? It is one of the most important factors of SEO or we can say right hand on it. In the on page optimization, changes will be done resides on the website, not on any other source.
Importance of On Page Optimization in Local SEO:
It is too hard to get your website in the high ranking globally but locally it is too easy to get but for that one can have some easy but curious steps. Here we have described curious steps to follow if you really want to target locally.Title Optimization:
The title is the most important part of the Website; it defines what your business is and what the purpose of your business is. For the local SEO, must add a city or region name in your title because whenever anyone search on Google title is displayed in the browser and if anyone wants to search locally then the city name must be written by the user. What you have to add in your title: Name/Site Name/business name, Targeted Keyword, services you are providing. It shouldn’t be more than 70 to 80 characters.
Meta Tag and Description Optimization:
Meta is the short form of metadata; it means data about data. It
describes more your business to users as well as Search Engine. Each
page should have Meta Desc and tags. Do not forget to add in each page.
It must. The length of Meta Desc should not be more than 140 to 160
characters and Meta tag character length should not more than 1000
characters.In the next post we will see what is schema.org? How it is important for the local SEO. Stay tuned with me @jayeshseo on Twitter and ParmarJayesh on pinterest…!!! Enjoy every moment of your life, even in office…!!!
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